Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Esynck's Biological Basis for Personality

 1. Consistancy of extraversion-intoversion over time
2. Cross-cultural research
3. Genetics play a role in determining a persons role in the 3 personality demensions (extraversion-introversion, neuroticism, psychoticism)
Temperaments- general patterns of bahavior and mood that can develop into personality traits.
Temperaments combined with environments shapes adult personality.

Monika grew up in a house with both parents and three siblings for most of her lifetime. Monika's father, Finn, works as an industrial engineer and would best be described as an extrovert. He would score high in terms of being neurotic considering he often goes from extreme moods of happy and playful to angry. Monika's mother, Kris, is very much an introvert and has walls upon walls filled with books. She was a stay at home mother for much of all of the children's lives and also had mood swings, though less extreme than Finn's. The personalities of the combined parents lead to the temperament which Monika was born with. In the twenty years since then these temperaments have molded themselves into her personality traits based upon what she inherited from her parents and what she learned from them along with others around her.

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